Custom Calendar Creator

Paper: Letter | Orientation: Landscape

User Guide of Free Custom Printable Calendar

This user guide will walk you through the steps of using the Free Custom Printable Calendar Online. This tool allows you to create and customize calendar conveniently. Below are the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Language Selection

The free Custom Printable Calendar Creator supports multiple languages.

Use the dropdown menu labeled 'Language' to select your preferred language.

Step 2: Input Details

Year Selection:
Choose the year for which you want to generate the invoice by selecting from the dropdown menu labeled 'Year'.

Month Selection:
Select the month for the calendar from the dropdown menu labeled 'Month'.

Start Day Selection:
Choose the starting day of the week for your calendar from the dropdown menu labeled 'Start Day'.

Paper Size:
Select the paper size for the invoice from the dropdown menu labeled 'Paper'.

Choose the orientation (landscape or portrait) for the invoice from the dropdown menu labeled 'Orientation'.

Colors and Fonts:
Customize the colors and fonts for various elements of the invoice using the color pickers and font selection dropdown menus provided.

Check the box labeled 'Border' if you want to include borders in your invoice.

If you wish to add a logo to your invoice, click on the 'Choose File' button under 'Change Logo' and select the desired image file.

Create Calendar:
Once you've configured all the settings according to your preferences, click the 'Create My Calendar' button to generate the invoice.

Step 3: Viewing the Generated Calendar
After clicking the 'Create My Calendar' button, the generated calendar will be displayed in the main section of the page.

Step 4: Saving as PDF
To save the generated calendar as a PDF, click the 'Save Calendar as PDF' button below the calendar.

Step 5: Printing

If you prefer a hard copy of the invoice, you can print it directly from your browser using the print option.

Additional Notes:

The Free Custom Printable Calendar Creator is designed for ease of use and customization, allowing you to create calendar tailored to your specific requirements. You can modify the script further to add or adjust features according to your needs.
By following these steps, you should be able to effectively utilize the Free Custom Calendar Creator to create personalized calendar efficiently.

About Us

We built to help you optimize your work efficiency with the simplest actions in the shortest time possible. The current tools you can use for free, include:

Custom Printable Calendar in portrait is a fast and highly effective tool to personalize your calendar,

Custom Invoice Generator is an efficient tool with simple and quick actions to create and send invoices to your customers promptly in PDF format.

Contact Us

We greatly appreciate receiving feedback from you. Please let us know your requests. Our email is always open at [email protected].

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